Toby the Killer

A car pulled into the drive way of a new house. A tall 14 year old boy with long black hair, blue eyes, a pale white turtle neck, and black jeans stepped out of the car. He looked at the house and then his mom called him "Toby!! Come and get some boxes and help us!!" She  yelled. Toby nodded and sighed as he walked to the back of the car. Three little kids ran into the house with after jumpping out of the car. Their dad followed and opened the door for them to get inside. Toby grabbed three boxes and his mom grabbed two more, they made it to the front of the house and put the boxes down. They went back out and grabbed the rest of the boxes. Toby put the boxes into stacks, one labbled "Sally", another labbled "Luka", one labbled "Ethan", and the last labbled "Toby". "Sally, Ethan, Luka!! Come and get your stuff and put it in your new rooms!" A shot 8 year old girl with a pink shirt, red hair, green eyes, and blue jeans. She grabbed the stacked labbled "Sally" and ran away. Two boys one, three, and one five, came down. The five year old boy grabbed the box labbled "Ethan" and walked back and the three year old grabbed the box labbled "Luka" and followed Ethan. Toby grabbed his boxes and went into a room upstairs by Sally's. "TOBY," His mother called. Toby walked to his mother and she gave him another box. "Mom, there is someone at the door!" Toby said as the door bell rang. "Why don't you open it then!?" Toby sighed and walked to the door opening it. There was a seven year old boy and his mom. "Hello, I am Sam and this is Charlie" The woman at the door said. Toby replied " I am Toby-" His mom inturupted "I am Toby's Mother, Jennifer. We just moved in." the little boy mummbled "D-do you guys want t-to come to my birthday p-party?" Toby's mother looked at Toby. "Yes, we would love to charlie" Toby said in a soft voice. Charlie smiled and they left back to their house accross the street. Ethan ran down to Toby. "TOB TOBY!!! CAN WE GO PLAY AT THE PLAYGROUND DOWN THE ROAD?!!!" Toby looked at Ethan they at his mother. She nodded, then Toby looked at Ethan and smiled.
    Toby and Ethan went outside and started walking o the playground.  They were one the side of the raod and they made it . Ethan brought a ball for them to play with, Toby accsendently threw the ball into the road. A car was speeding by as Ethan went to go get it. "ETHAN NO" Ethan looked up and a car hit him. Toby saw the whole thing he fell onto his knees and cried, he looked up and saw Ethan's body his knees were crushed, and so was his head, there was blood everywhere and his brains were spilling out of his head. Toby got out his phone and called 911 then his mom. When his mom answered she asked him, "What's worng Toby?! I can heard an ambulance!" Toby said in a soft voice crying "Ethan...won't be coming home.........."  Toby's mom hung up and drove over as the ambulance and police were there. She ran out of her car and ran to Toby. She looked at a tarp covered in blood and got Toby to go home. They told the rest of the family and then his mother and father planed a funeral. That night when Toby ried to sleep all he could think of was the crash. The day of the funeral came he got dressed in a dark black tux and helped his last two sibblings. They went to the place and then came back home. 
    Next week Toby got ready for school. He walked to the bus stop, he got there early. He hear somr kids around the same age walking up to the bus stop as well. When they got there the looked at Toby,"Hey new kid I am Luke and these are my friends Steven and Taki" Steven and Taki waved. "Now we have a small problem, this is OUR bus stop, and if you want to stay here you gotta pay a fine." Toby looked at Luke. "Why, I mean you guy didn't make this bus stop. I don't have to pay and i won't pay" Toby said looking at the boys "oh now now Toby, we could've been freinds but i guess not anymore. Tisk tisk what a shame" all three of the boy's pulled out poket knives. Toby looked at them and sighed. "Go ahead stab me I won't feel shit" The boys came charging at him. He kicked Luke in the nuts and luke fell over, then he stole the pocket knife from luke and stabbed Steven in the left arm. Then Steven fell over and Toby tripped Taki. Toby ran home ad told his mom "I missed the bus.." he said that with a slight grin. His mom sighed and drove him to school. When they got there Toby jumpped out off the car smiling and waved at his mother. When he got home his mom called him over. "Toby, did you hurt anyone today??" Toby was scarded and lied. "No why?" Toby's mom looked at him "Three other parents and said that you hurt their children, tell the truth Toby." He shook his head. "They probably just beat themselves up to blame someone on it" Toby shrugged and his mom sighed then smiled. "Don't forget about Charlie's party tomarrow " Toby nodded and walked to his room. He put his stuff away and got out a book to read. Then he fell asleep.
    The next day when Toby woke up he walked to his closet and got on his light gray turtle neck sweater, a pale hoodie with a light blue hood, and blak jeans. He brushd his hair and got his socks on and then some black boots. He walked to his little sisters room and woke her up, she sat up and looked at Toby. "Toby, why do we have to go..?" Sally said looking at Toby rubbing her eyes. "They are our new friends and we have to make sure we seem or at least act like good people. Also he is a little boy your age." Toby kissed his little sister's forehead. She yawned and got dressed in her normal clothes. Toby went to his little brother's room next and he was already a wake. "Hi toby!" Luka said with a smile. "Luka are you staying home?" Toby tilted his head. Luka nodded and smiled, "Have fun Toby!!" He hugged toby and then let go as toby left. Sally and Toby's parents were in the living room. "Toby you and your sister should get going so you won't be late" Toby's Dad siad "Dad they live across the Fuc-" His mom inturupted "WATCH YOU LANGUAGE!!!" Toby sighed and grbbed Sally's hand leaving and walking accross the street, they knocked on the door and went to the back yard. There were tons of kids Sally's age and Sally went to play with them. Toby laughed at the children and played tag with them. Then he saw Luke, Steven, and Taki walk to the back, they looked at Toby. "well well well..." Luke said as Toby growled and yelled "CHILDREN GET INSIDE!!NOW!!" all the little children ran inside. Toby got pinned agaist the wall and Steven sowed his eyes shut with a strong thread but a small needle, toby pushed him away tomy could slightly see through hi eye lids. He felt someone pick him up and then threw him on concreet, toby coughed up blood. One of the boys pulled out a poket knife and looked at Toby, "why aren't you smiling?" he said as the one kid carved a smile in to Toby's face. None of the kids wanted to tell anyone because they were too scared. "Hey wait i need to get something from inside!" Luke said he got bleach and a lighter. "I read that on a news artical that someone got covered in bleach and set them on fire and he suffered greatly" luke said quietly. One of the other boys clapped and forced toby's mouth opened as they poured the bleach on him and into his mouth. Then they set him on fire. Toby's mid went blank and he was unresponsive now. One parent noticed smoke and ran our side she screamed seeing Toby and the other boys. She called 911.
    A few weeks later Toby jolted up but he couldn't see. A door opened and closed and then Toby jumpped. There were footsteps and Toby couldn't scream and he felt parolized. Someone touched Toby and then a women's voice that sounded like someone he knew "Toby you should be more careful you are in a hospital bed, we were about to take the bandages off your face" the voice said. Toby nodded letting her take the bandage off his face. She got a saw and cut them off his face, he saw light and he thought that they got his eyes open but just then he heard the doctor sound slightly worried. "oh god....Toby uh here" she handed him a mirror and he look in the mirro and he saw his face. His fae was pale white, he didn't see any eyes and he saw his mouth was stuck in a smile he screeched and his family walked in Toby threw the mirror and it shatared. He hid under his face with his hands that were also pale white. His mother looked worried, Toby was screaming and he souned like he was going crazy. His mom went up to him and tried to touch him to confert him, but he grabbed her hand and yelled, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" He reveld his face and he looked and souned crazy. His younger siblings were not there but his mom and dad were. They started to talk to the doctor and Toby grabbed a scalple from the table next to him. He stood up and threw the scalple at them it landed in the middle of them.  They all jumpped and looked at Toby. They all walked out of the room, Toby's parents signed him out and took him home.
    That night Toby woke up and walked to his parents room but he stopped when he heard them talking about something. "Did you see the way he snapped then?! Don't you think he should be put in a fricken mental hospital!?!?! his mothere said to his father. "honey we need to help him maybe we could get him a theripist and some medication-" just then they both saw toby in the door was he was crying but it was blood and not normal tears, he was holding a knife "mom why do you hate me...?" he said as he jummped in and tackled her. his father tried to get the boy away but he was too late he had already punged the knife into the women's chest. Then before his father could call 911 Toby slit his father's throat. Toby then went to Sally's room and then started eating her alive, but his younger brother called the cops and he heard the alarm. Toby jumped out a window and ran into the woods, he fell over in the midde of the woods and looked up at a tall figure in a black siut whith long things coming out of his back. Toby felt something happen and he felt his back burst and tenticals came out his back. After that day Toby only left notes at his murder seens and most bodies were cut and biten missing different body parts and organs.